2024 – Review of the Year

1944 was a pivotal year for the world in the grip of World War II. On the 6th June allied forces launched Operation Overlord, the largest amphibious invasion in history, to liberate Nazi-occupied Europe. The D Day invasion landed 155,000 troops from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and France on five beaches in Normandy which helped liberate France from Germany and weaken the Nazi hold on Europe. Inventions from that year include the Kidney Dialysis machine and the Slinky (coiled spring that walks downstairs). The film Meet Me in St. Louis had its premier and Glenn Miller and his aircraft was lost over the English Channel.

Of local significance was the amalgamation of Rainworth Male Voice Choir (1926) and Mansfield Orpheus (1931) to form Mansfield and District Male Voice Choir under the leadership of Mr. Arthur Henshaw O.B.E. Mr. Henshaw stayed for four years handing over to Mr. Harry Smith who led the choir for 21 years and who remains the longest serving Musical Director. Choirs proliferated across the country and competitions were the order of the day. Mr. Smith’s proudest achievement was winning the Cheltenham Gold Cup, essentially the best choir in the country.

Today choirs are no longer engaged in competition work but exist for the sheer pleasure of providing entertainment for local, national and international audiences. Mansfield and District Male Voice choir celebrated our 80th Anniversary in 2024 with 25 concerts and social events.

Here are the highlights:-
27th April. A Festival of Massed Male Choirs with the Welsh Association of Male Choirs, The Royal Albert Hall, London.
8th June. Choirs by Candlelight with the school choir of All Hallows Church Primary School, Gedling, Nottingham.
25th July. Service at the International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln.
29th September. 50th Anniversary Concert for Newstead Brass, Palace Theatre, Mansfield.
5th October. 80th Anniversary concert with Bestwood MVC, Eastwood Collieries MVC, St. Edmundsbury MVC and Ravenshead Swing Band, Southwell Minster, Southwell. Notts.
16th November. Concert at Trinity Methodist Church, Mansfield Woodhouse.
19th December. Christmas concert with Newstead Brass, Forest Town Arena.
24th December. Community Singing, King’s Mill Hospital.

Social Events
17th Feb. & 9th Nov. Breakfast Social Events, Anchor Centre, Skegby Methodist Church, Skegby, Sutton-in- Ashfield.
21st June. 80th Anniversary Celebration Dinner with “Allo Allo” actors, The Hostess Restaurant, Mansfield Woodhouse.
4th September Supporters’ Group River cruise along the River Trent from Nottingham.
9th December Christmas Meal, The Carnarvon, Teversal.

Services for deceased colleagues
20th February. for Mr. Derek Beastall (Baritone, 33 years), St. Mary’s Church, Sutton-in-Ashfield.
10th July. for Mr. Alan Pitfield (2nd Tenor, 16 years), Thoresby Chapel, Mansfield Crematorium, Mansfield.
29th November. for Mr. Kevan Jones (Baritone, 5 years), Forest Town Arena, Mansfield.

Our rehearsals were vibrant, led by Ian Grice our skilled and passionate MD and by both Margaret Ball (right) and Maureen Lockwood as accompanists. Margaret retired at the end of 2024 as the longest serving accompanist with 22 wonderful years’ service and we welcomed Maureen who, with her considerable skills, has made the transition seamless. In support of our anniversary concert in Southwell Minster Chairman Geoff Hursthouse, Concert Manager, Lynden Lowe and Publicity Officer Geoff Mansfield were interviewed on Radio Nottingham which turned out to be great success. The concert benefited two charities, Hetty’s and the Nottinghamshire Blood Bikes with donations of over £2,100 each as part of our charity work in 2024.

Post Covid our membership has increased by over 60% and membership attendance at rehearsals and concerts exceeds 85%. These impressive statistics are underpinned by the sense of community, fraternity and camaraderie sustained since the gentlemen of 1944 agreed to coalesce into Mansfield and District Male Voice Choir. We are simply custodians but valued custodians, as demonstrated by being awarded the Freedom of Mansfield in 2019 (75th Anniversary) by the then Mayor of Mansfield Mrs. Kate Allsop.

The choir is respected by other choirs in the United Kingdom and loved by audiences and members. Mutual support, mutual respect, a love of what we do together and the effective management of the choir by our volunteer Committee and Supporters’ Group members will no doubt help perpetuate our existence for many years to come. We are well placed. All the best to our colleagues, friends and supporters for a happy and peaceful New Year!

Geoff Mansfield, 29th December 2024

9 thoughts on “2024 – Review of the Year

  1. Anthony Bramley Reply

    A great look back at history and the development of our choir over the years.

  2. John Wakeland Reply

    A well written piece as usual Geoff, highlighting many memories over the last 12 month. We have confirmed bookings in 2025 and 2026 and therefore many more memories to come. I will raise my glass this new year and wish all concerned a very happy and harmonious 2025.

  3. Phil Millns Reply

    A great summary of my first year lol, not to mention the history of the choir in its 80th year.

  4. Wesley Pierpoint Reply

    Geoff, very well written and it’s been absolutely fantastic being a member of the choir. As you said to me, we are a provincial choir, amateurs and doing our very best. Love it and I know my friends do as well.
    Happy New Uear to you smd yours and to everyone in the choir.

  5. Geoff Hursthouse Reply

    Excellent summary Geoff of this past year, including the mention of the beginning of the choir as we celebrated our 80th year.
    A merry Christmas to everyone and looking forward to a happy and successful New Year.

  6. Ian Grice MD . Reply

    A brilliant summary of an exciting year in the life of this amazing choir .As Geoff says we are custodians of the future of our choir and all are proud and work hard to see it into a safe and stable future Thank you Geoff and everyone involved .

  7. Andrew Marsh Reply

    Very interesting to get some historical context Geoff. If anything it makes me even more proud to be a member of this wonderful choir!

  8. Lynden Lowe Reply

    A great write up Geoff very interesting, well done. I look forward to another successful year with the choir and many visitors both from other choirs and our audiences Long may the choir continue.

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