Trinity Methodist Remembrance Service

At the request of Adele Stenton, a member of the Choir Supporters’ Group, we were honoured to be invited to participate in a Remembrance Service at Trinity Methodist Church in Mansfield Woodhouse. Adele and a team of ladies from the church have painstakingly worked since February 2023 to knit and crochet 2,500 poppies as a mark of community remembrance – and they looked stunning.
The Reverend Debbie Keegan guided us through a lovely service and the choir’s performances, even in an atmosphere of humility and prayer, were enthusiastically applauded.
The event was followed by tea and cakes and many were touched as they recalled family members and loved ones who have died as a result of war. Particularly poignant is that the service is conducted when the world is wracked by turmoil and brutal wars in Yemen, Ukraine and in Gaza and Isarel. Our prayers were said and hopefully heard. The photograph of the poppy cascade is graced by a shining cross as it was taken just at the right time by chorister Mario Curtis (2nd Tenor).

We were proud to sing at this remembrance service, the reflections were poignant and meaningful, I asked permission to show this by Andy Fyall. Almost a full choir and Margaret gave our best. The church was a picture inside and out. Well done Adele.
Mario Curtis (2nd Tenor)

It really was a lovely act of Remembrance, the hymns and all the music was perfect with Debbie leading the whole service. The church looked amazing it must have taken many hours to achieve that display. Thanks to all involved .
Lynden Lowe (Bass and Concert Manager)

Absolutely fantastic! Wonderful displays, amazing choir! Thank you so much for joining us this morning! What a blessing
Reverend Debbie Keegan 

3 thoughts on “Trinity Methodist Remembrance Service

  1. Ian Grice Reply

    Fantastic to be part of the commemoration this morning and actually at 11am on 11-11.
    Quite stirring service ,it was really thought provoking, wonderful singing of the hymns by all as was the singing of the choir .

  2. Steve Reply

    A very poignant time that was so appropriate for the time and day. Thank you very much Ian,
    Lynden and MDMVC, Rev Debbie and Adele.

    At the going down of the sun abs in the morning, we will remember them.

  3. Adele Reply

    Thank you so much for agreeing to come to Trinity to be part of such a perfect service of Remembrance and to dedicate all of our hard work. ❤️ xx

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