80th Anniversary Concert at Southwell Minster

This concert was very important to everyone in the choir. All things come and go; sustaining a vibrant organisation for 80 years speaks of high emotional investment, dedication and commitment by the membership. Inevitably, current members are custodians of the legacy passed to us by former members, some of whom belonged to the choir for over 40 and sometimes 50 years. We are still here and can see a fruitful future for our choir; no wonder we celebrate 80 years of existence.
For a local choir, planning for and staging a concert in Southwell Minster is an 18-month job and not for the faint-hearted. Lead by Lynden Lowe our Concert Manager and supported by many others in respect of advertising, ticket sales, music preparation, stage management, financial management, regional rehearsals and guest choir and band preparation it is a team game, and we won!

Highlight steps along the way were:

The cooperation and flexibility of colleague choir Music Directors Liz Moulder (Eastwood Collieries Male Voice Choir), Mirek Rus (Bestwood Male Voice Choir) Leslie Olive (St. Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir) and Carolyn Beedle (Ravenshead Swing Band).

The skilled foundational nature of accompanists’ performances from Margaret Ball and Maureen Lockwood (Mansfield), Calvin Goymer (St. Edmundsbury) and John Rose (Bestwood).

The preparation, passion and leadership of Ian Grice our MD which included the relationship with Michael Williams the arranger of the finale piece, “World in Union”. Michael not only arranged the song as 4 male part harmony, but he also arranged the music for the band.

The regional rehearsals held in Eastwood and Bury St Edmunds.

The final concert for our esteemed accompanist Margaret Ball who after 22 years retires from the choir. We marked this with a formal gift presentation as well as recognising the commitment of Meryl Chambers our former MD and then for Ian after 40 years’ service.

The furthest reaching advertising campaign in the choir’s history through 6 websites, 26 newspapers and periodicals, 2 radio stations and countless Facebook accounts. This included the design of an 80-year logo used in our advertising and portrayed on a tie pin worn by each member and financed by A W Lymn Ltd who also kindly printed the concert programme. The design of the programme with former Chairman Gordon Blanc.

The fantastic Radio Nottingham interview by Dino, the day before the concert, conducted by Geoff Hursthouse (Chairman), Lynden Lowe (Concert Manager) and Geoff Mansfield (Publicity Officer).

451 very happy folks in the audience who were greeted by our Supporters’ Group ladies at the door and then by ladies giving out concert programmes.

The involvement and engagement of the charities Nottinghamshire Blood Bikes and Hetty’s was superb. The effort put in by John McFadden and his team at NBB and Tracey at Hetty’s was well rewarded.

The professional and easy presentation manner of the compere Reverend Frances Finn. She made the whole night entertainment.

The integration and networking of our colleague choirs. At such events long-term relationships are built which can initiate future concerts in new geographical areas.

To explain and describe the musical content would be too difficult, you had to be there, except to say everyone was treated by the variety of the programme, the quality of the band and soloists (Sarah and Andrew) and the passion of the four choirs. You know when you have done a good job when the Musical Directors are smiling back at you.

The participants’ views best express the success of the evening; here are some of their post-concert comments:-

Well done everyone! All I kept hearing was brilliant, fantastic, aren’t they good – meaning us! thank you one and all for making it happen. David Marriott (President, M&DMVC)

Great concert at Southwell Minster last night with our friends and fellow choirs from Eastwood, Bestwood, St. Edmundsbury and the Ravenshead Swing Band. What a way for MVC to celebrate our 80th. A special ending, with the opportunity to perform World in Union in the presence of the arranger Michael Williams. Geoff Hursthouse (Chairman, M&DMVC)

Well done all! Margaret Ball (Accompanist, M&DMVC)

Thank you, guys, for your stunning singing last night, a great success in the history of the choir. Our fellow choristers loved every minute too from their reactions. How nice it was of them to sing Happy Birthday to us too. Your hard work on Tuesdays and at home truly pays off obviously, long may this keep rolling and we continue to enjoy each other’s company and especially our camaraderie. My heartfelt thanks to everyone for the organising skills and attention to detail to make a super celebratory day for us all to enjoy.
Ian Grice (MD, M&DMVC)

What an amazing experience the Anniversary concert was last night. It has been on my mind all day. It was superb in every aspect. Margaret deserved her tribute, I was so pleased for her. I was also overjoyed to be reunited with you in spirit and love. Meryl Chambers (Former MD, M&DMVC)

It was a most enjoyable evening at the Minster on Saturday. There were four enthusiastic and very tuneful male voice choirs singing a wide range of songs, either together or as varied combinations of choirs, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up at times, and, in contrast, the very popular Ravenshead Swing Band with their two solo singers performing a range of popular pieces. It was great to see the keenness, musicality and wide range of ages of everyone participating and the friendliness amongst all of the choristers and the band. The audience were also very receptive to the messages given to them by the two charities who would benefit from the evening’s takings – Hetty’s and Nottinghamshire Blood Bikes. Altogether the very large and appreciative audience thoroughly enjoyed the great standard of music in the concert and gave the performers a standing ovation at the end of the evening. A big ‘Thank you!’ to everyone involved. Eileen Lawrence (Secretary M&DMVC)

As the concert started it was obvious the audience were in for a treat, from Francis’ first opening phrase, the massed choir singing and the Swing Band with their soloists, to the very last note. I have not heard a bad word about the evening, only praise. Lynden Lowe (Concert Manager, M&DMVC)

It would appear that the more you put into something the more you get out of it, who would have thought it. Due to the expense of arranging a concert at the Minster there’s always pressure to turn a profit, which at the end of the day is why we do it. Not for us, of course, but for the charities. The huge efforts made by certain people ensured we pulled it off. Although the figures are not yet in, it is clear we made substantial profits for our chosen charities. Come the day and all the hard work behind us, it was time to have fun, and did we have fun. It was lovely to have friends and family converge into this wonderful building and enjoy the atmosphere we all produced. Truly magical and will be remember for some time to come.
John Wakeland (Treasurer, M&DMVC)

A big thank you to all the family for making last night an evening to remember. From arrival and seeing the correct staging had been erected, the rest of the day went as smoothly as possible. So, a big thank you to the choirs and music teams for their professional approach, which made my role so much easier. Phil Millns (Bass and Stage Manager, M&DMVC)

Thank you for inviting us to be part of your special concert. It was certainly a night to remember. Please thank everyone for their warm welcome and a lovely evening of singing together in friendship and music making. Liz Moulder (MD, Eastwood Collieries MVC)

Just a quick email to thank you all for inviting us to your prestigious anniversary concert last night. We were honoured to be part of the evening and enjoyed every minute of it. Congratulations to the choirs who sang beautifully and the massed choirs sounded amazing. The final piece was a perfect collaboration to end the concert- fabulous! Hope we can work together again soon! Carolyn and the band. (Leader, Ravenshead Swing Band)

Thank you for an amazing evening and congratulations to the Mansfield choir and team. Ian Watts (MD, Carlton MVC)

The concert, in my opinion, was a great success, the combined efforts of all over several months work came to fruition. All the choirs and the band received the appreciation of the audience and the combined choirs singing, accompanied by the band, piano and organ in the finale produced the WOW factor, substantiated by a standing ovation by the audience.
An absolute pleasure to have taken part. Trevor Dyson (2nd Tenor, M&DMVC)

An experience never to forget. It was a pleasure to be part of. Barry Robinson (Baritone, M&DMVC)

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