At an Extraordinary Meeting of the Mansfield District Council on 5 March 2019 elected members agreed unanimously to bestow the honorary title of Freedom of the District on the Mansfield & District Male Voice Choir. The Freedom of the District is only given in exceptional cases.
The Choir is also in receipt of a letter from Her Majesty’s representative at Buckingham Palace in recognition of the Choir’s contribution to the local community on the occasion of its 75th anniversary.
At the Extraordinary Meeting Executive Mayor of Mansfield Kate Allsop said: “This is the council’s top civic honour and is completely deserved for both their success and longevity.”
The Choir’s talent has long been admired and they fly the flag for Mansfield wherever they go
“The Choir’s talent has long been admired and they fly the flag for Mansfield wherever they go. This award marries perfectly with the council’s vision of creating a more positive image of this District and creating community pride.”
At the Meeting the Choir performed two pieces; Let it be Me (G Becaud/Mann/Curtis arr. Alwyn Humphreys) and We Rise Again (Dubinsky/Macmillan arr. S Smith)
In the years ahead our Choir will continue to bring the wonderful gift of music and particularly choral singing to the people of Mansfield and beyond recognising, as we do, the huge difference that can be made in many lives; culturally, socially and charitably.
We accept these accolades also in honour and affection for those who have gone before us, whose commitment and talent established the musical standards of the Choir and energised it through good times and bad and always made their music with decorum, dignity and discipline.