Heralding Christmas

St.Mary Magdelene Church, Ogle Street, Hucknall NG15 7AS – Saturday 2 December – 7pm

Mansfield & District MVC  and Bestwood  MVC


Heralding Christmas”


Setting the scene for the festive period the Choirs will perform a series of Christmas pieces together with a variety of non-Christmas pieces favourites.

Both Choirs will open the programme by jointly performing two male voice choir standards Let All Men Sing and Comrades in Arms. The rest of the first half will be dedicated to selections from the non-Christmas repertoire performed separately by the two Choirs.

The second half of the concert will undoubtedly herald the start of the Christmas season. Amongst many familiar seasonal songs to look forward to, Mansfield MVC will perform O Holy Night ( voted recently as the nation’s favourite Christmas carol).

The audience will have the opportunity to lend their voices to While Shepherds Watched and Hark the Herald Angels Sing as part of a rousing finale to end the concert.

The concert programme offers a wonderful evening’s entertainment and advance tickets are available prior to the concert at £6.00 from Eileen on 01623 455373 or Gary on 07971 441682 ( 01623 487279 after 6pm). Alternatively, you can pay at the door on the evening of the concert.



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