In memory of Gerald

A sure measure of a successful life, the church was packed for the service “In loving memory and celebration for the life of Gerald Samuel Houldsworth”. Gerald was held in high regard not only by our choir, of which he was a member for 35 years, but in his wider community. A truer gentleman would be hard to find. Unfailingly courteous, respectful, humble, loyal and committed to everything he did Gerald was church warden at St. Chads in Pleasley Vale for 60 years. He and Janet who met and married in 1957 raised two sons, three grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Gerald started working at the age of 13 to supplement the family income after the death of his father at a young age. The majority of his working life was as a miner and he embodied the camaraderie, resilience and Christian values evident in mining communities. He started singing upon his retirement in 1986 and was a stalwart 2nd tenor and choir librarian for many years. As an indication of his reach, here are all the posts placed on facebook expressing their sorrow at his passing. He is sorely missed. Rest in peace, old friend.

• Janet Houldsworth called this morning to say that Gerald passed away yesterday afternoon. He was in no pain but had just run out of energy. A true gentleman has been taken from us.
We shall miss him, his lovely voice and his complete sense of decency and fairness. – Geoff Mansfield
• Sorry to hear that. He was always smart, mostly in a jacket and tie, unless it was really hot, then no tie. Nice chap who thought a lot about the choir as does Janet. – Lynden Lowe
• Thanks for the news, sad that it is. He will be remembered. – John Wakeland
• Very sad news. Gerald was a true gentleman, sincere condolences to Janet and family – John Scanlon
• Very sad to hear that. – Anthony Bramley
• So sad to lose one of the stalwarts of the choir. RIP Gerald – Terry Ashmore
• Rest in peace Gerald, sad news indeed. – Alun Roberts
• Last night at our practice we paid our respect to our very own Gerald Holdsworth, Gerald passed away late last week and will be sorely missed .He was in the choir 35 years ,always guaranteed to be there , a brilliant 2nd tenor, he was also our long-time librarian, always helping to set our stage and piano. Along with his wife Janet supported every event, be it concert or socials. I always loved watching Gerald’s passion for his music and when he wasn’t singing, he was a brilliant dancer . The choir had a period of silence followed by the passionate singing of Gwahoddiad, I hear they welcome voice. – Ian Grice
• Sad news. RIP Gerald – Geoff Hursthouse
• Condolences to all of you x — Sandra Ramsell
• Please accept my heartfelt condolences – Yvette Price-Mear-Olm
• Thoughts and prayers to you all from everyone at Carlton MVC – Danny Horgan
• Condolences to everyone from Pembroke MVC. – Meurig Rees
• A great stalwart of the choir. So privileged to have known him. My condolences to Janet and the family – Kevin Barden
• My condolences to his family – Kathy Cook
• Condolences to everyone from Beverly Male Voice Choir – Liz Wilson
• My condolences to his family, a lovely man. RIP Gerald – Alison Handley
• I’m so sorry to read this. My condolences to his literal and musical family. Gwahoddiad is the perfect music for such times. Take care. – Ceri Anne Joseph
• Tom Dillon and family are saddened to hear of this lovely f=gentlemen passing away. Love to Janet xx – Maureen Hutchby
• So sad to hear of Gerald’s passing. He was a lovely chap who always thought of others and always asked how the family was. – Dave Gee
• We at Bestwood realise only too well the problems and sadness the passing of a choir member causes, particularly as we are all individual and unique. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time – John Pritchard
• Please pass on our condolences to the family from Bestwood MVC RIP – Bestwood MVC
• As a fellow 2nd Tenor I would often stand at the side of Gerald at rehearsals or concerts and he would turn to me and say “How are we doing lad?” to which I would reply “great, Gerald”. Fond memories of a lovely man. RIP Gerald and condolences to Janet and family. – Ian Bartle
• Aww this is such sad news! Love and prayers for his family. xxx – Heidi Rebecca Balajadia
• So sad, please give Janet my love – Jean Holmes
• Very sorry to hear of such sad news. My condolences to his family and his extended family in your choir. – Malcolm Hill. Pye Hill & District Male Voice
• God bless Gerald. Rest in Peace – Alan Keith Beastall
• Though Gerald slowed down in later years I want to remember him turning cartwheels at a St Philip Neri Garden party. He was probably in his 70’s then! As Ian Bartle commented he would always ask how we were doing (even though he knew his music inside out). A good friend gone on to the next great adventure. – Mario Curtis
• Driffield Male Voice Choir send our sincere condolences. RIP in the heavenly choir. – Paul Brereton
• So sad to hear of Gerald passing. A true gentleman, always pleasant and welcoming. – Barry Robinson

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