Margaret celebrates 20 years with the choir

Mansfield and District Male Voice Choir are proud to celebrate the fact that our esteemed accompanist, Margaret Ball, has achieved the distinction of being the longest continuously serving accompanist in the history of the choir.
Margaret joined the choir in 2002 and has been a solid foundation to the rehearsals and performances of the choir having supported three Musical Directors in this time. She continues with vigour and interest and as she said “great pleasure” in belonging to our choir family. Even on dark wintery evenings when it can be an effort to travel to rehearsal, Margret underlined the point that you go home uplifted by the camaraderie and the sheer pleasure of singing.
Without her steadfast accompaniment it is certain that we would not have been as well prepared as we are when singing in concerts and this has taken the choir to venues across the country as well as innumerable local concerts.
Choir President David Marriott and Chairman John Wakeland presented Margaret with a certificate as testament to her dedication, along with cards and gifts. Many, many thanks Margaret and long may your association with the choir continue.

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