
Midsummer Music – St Augustine’s Church, Abbott Road, Mansfield.

24 June 2017

“Facet” – any of the surfaces of a cut gemstone ( Collins Concise English dictionary)

We have mentioned many times before of the variety which is very often the characteristic of many, if not all, of our concerts.

This concert was certainly varied and I was struck by a comment made by our compere on this particular evening, Ian Bartle, second tenor in the Mansfield & District Male Voice Choir and part of the ever popular nonet, The GentleMen. Ian mentioned the term “multi -faceted” to describe the talent in our midst. It was certainly on display at St Augustine’s.

But first thing’s first, many congratulations to Kevin Bradley (second tenor) who made his debut at this event. Well done Kevin – we wish you many years ahead of singing enjoyment.

Back to multi-faceted theme, the The GentleMen are a polished gem themselves despite being reduced to a being only a seven-sided jewel on this occasion. Thanks to TheGuys (their less formal monicker) for Help Me Rhonda, the old Beach Boys classic and the ever-popular Robbie Williams crowd-pleaser, Angels. Both of these items were included on their programme.

Thanks also to Harold Huxtable and Howard Lawrence for their poetry items which dealt with similar themes around ageing and the capacity we have to raise a smile despite the frustrations of life which we all come across, whatever our age.

Thanks also to Meryl and Margaret for a piano duet which we have heard before but enjoyed thoroughly hearing again nevertheless; the charming Rondeau Militaire  (Anton Diabelli).

Our choir performed a varied programme ending with I’m Goin’ Up A Yonder as a fitting finale. The programme also included numerous items which are part of all the work in preparation for the Royal Albert Hall next year including Stout Hearted Men, There is No Death and Cwm Rhonda.  Our audience were entertained with Help Me Rhonda and Cwm Rhonda on the same evening- I told you it was varied!

We have to mention especially our young talent  which is much appreciated for their contribution to our Choir. On this particular evening the audience enjoyed Joe Higgins (soloist on Make You Feel My Love) and  Jonno Lee for his own  Irish Waters composition. All of our  talented young singers are the jewel in the crown as far as Mansfield & District Male Voice Choir are concerned( including first tenor Tim Bexon and baritone Josh Reynolds, who was not able to get out of work commitments on the evening to perform his piano solo).

The star of this show was, however, first tenor  Dan Hayes who shone like a diamond polished beyond his years, singing with great maturity and control with his rendition of Close Every Door To Me from the musical “Joseph and The Amazing technicolour Dreamcoat “ Well done, Dan!

Final thanks go to  Reverend Caroline Phillips and all the members of St Augustine’s Church for their hard work in organising the event and for their wonderful hospitality.



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