Prize Winner…

Daniel Hayes is one of a number of young singing talents who make such a valued contribution to our choir.

Last year Mansfield & District MVC awarded a bursary to Dan who now receives singing lessons from an eminent local singing teacher and former MD of the choir, the wonderful Meryl Chambers.

Recently the 24 year old first tenor  took part in the Mansfield Music & Drama Festival  (22nd April 2018, Crescent Centre, Peel Crescent, Mansfield).

Dan takes up the story in his own words.

“I was entered into the festival by Meryl Chambers as a solo singer and took part in 2 classes.”

“The first class I was entered into was Class V8 – Solo Singing open for all ages. The song I performed was If You Were The Only Girl In The World [Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey] and I was accompanied by Meryl.”

“Because I was the only participant in that class I was awarded first place but received some encouraging praise from adjudicator Christopher Field, ‘There is a natural warmth to your voice and was a delightful performance.’”

“The second class I took part in was Class V16 “Songs from the shows”. I performed Oh What a Beautiful Morning from ‘Oaklahoma’ by Rodgers and Hammerstein.”

“I was once again awarded First Place for my performance with comments from the adjudicator, ‘This number showed what a beautifully honed, warm baritone you have.’”

“Overall taking part in the festival was a wonderful experience.  I found that just before I was due to perform that I was not the least bit nervous which speaks volumes of how far I have come as a solo performer.”

Many congratulations to Dan but I think the chances of one of our outstanding first tenors of joining the baritones are pretty  slim!

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