Tom Dillon

Our most senior chorister, Tom Dillon has decided to retire after 42 years’ service. 95 year old Tom is pictured receiving tokens of love and appreciation from Chairman John Wakeland at last Tuesday’s choir practice.

One of Tom’s favourites is Softly. So with a great deal of affection for a dear friend, the guys were able to sing for Tom as a farewell at his final choir practice.

Everyone associated with the Choir wish Tom and his wife Doreen all our very best wishes.

3 thoughts on “Tom Dillon

  1. Gordon Blanc Reply

    Well done Tom. I hope you have a long and happy retirement
    Gordon Blanc

  2. Geoff Mansfield Reply

    You are a legend in our choir Tom.
    We wish both you and Doreen peace and rest and send our most sincere thanks.

  3. Mario Curtis Reply

    Where to begin? Tom has been on the second tenor front row for as long as I have been with the choir. He is a quietly spoken gentleman with time for everyone and concern for the well being of the choir.

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